Depression: How do I tell others how it feels?

Depression: How do I tell others how it feels?

Have you ever felt misunderstood, lonely or isolated because those around you cannot understand why you are feeling the way you are? Sometimes responses to someone experiencing depression are  “just stop thinking about it” “just stop feeling that way” or “there is nothing to be sad about.” 

When people have the courage to share their feelings and they are met with misunderstanding it can really stifle the confidence to share their mood again. If you are someone who is experiencing depression and have struggled with how to articulate it to those around you. The Black Dog video is something that I have found resonates with people and shows how depression is woven into every aspect of someone’s life. It can feel very heavy.  Maybe even sharing this video with your family or friends to help them understand that this is how you feel sometimes could feel supportive to you. 

If someone has shared with you that they are experiencing depression. Here are some helpful things to try. 

  1. Validate. “Thank you for sharing. That sounds really heavy, I’m here for you.”

  2. Ask if there is any support they need from you.

  3. Send a text, invite them to something ( even if they do not come, keep inviting) It helps people know you are thinking about them.  

  4. Do not try to fix it. 

If any of these resonates with you or someone you know.  Maybe it could be a good time to think of begin therapy! We are here for you. 


Stevie Spiegel