Addressing Common Therapy Myths

This blog is perfect for the person who wants to know more about therapy from a therapist, without all of the confusion about whether or not you need to lay down on a couch and talk about your feelings for an hour.

Myth Number One: Your therapist will tell you what to do.

I’m sorry to break it to you, but your therapist should not be telling you what to do. Therapy is about uncovering your inner wisdom, not outsourcing it to somebody else. Who knows more about you than you? Therefore, who is more qualified to make decisions about your life? Techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Somatic Experiencing are great for helping you identify your thoughts and feelings, and therefore your wisdom!

Myth Number Two: Therapists just ask “and how does that make you feel?”

This couldn’t be further from the truth! We aim to help you to understand yourself in so many ways which can’t be done by just asking how you feel. Your thoughts and behaviors matter as well. While we don’t tell you what to do, we do provide guidance and challenge your assumptions about yourself.

Myth Number Three: We are secretly judging you while saying we aren’t.

Absolutely false. Do we have thoughts about what we might do in the situation? Perhaps. Do we have judgement towards your experience? No. It’s like some weird superpower we learn in school to set our stuff aside and in order to be in your story. For real. We really mean that. Being a part of your story is such an honor to us!

I could go on and on about more myths, but it might turn into a book. If you get anything from this post, know that overblown media representations of therapy and your friends’ horrible experience with their therapists are not the reality of what therapy is. If you’re interested in learning more about how we go about treatment, send us an email at!

Stevie Spiegel

Stevie Spiegel