Prioritize Your Pleasure


My personal intention for 2021 is to prioritize my pleasure -- out of necessity, out of interest, out of rebellion. My intention is that all of my clients who walk through my door also take interest in their own pleasure. (And no, I’m not just talking about sex.)

For your brain and body, finding small pieces of pleasure throughout your day is so important. A lot of the time I find that we do things every day that are in fact pleasurable, but we aren’t present for them. Take, for instance, your first sip of morning coffee. It’s amazing. Hot, fresh, energizing. However, we often aren’t mentally available to notice it. It’s the ability to be present and notice that allows us to gather data about what is pleasurable.

(Pro tip: finding time to meditate can help you build this “muscle” of being present and noticing.)

Many times, people’s ideas about what they’re supposed to be doing with their time gets in the way of their pursuit of pleasure. We are conditioned creating and producing and commodifying all of the time, which is taxing on our systems. This is why prioritizing our relaxation can be an act of rebellion. You are more than your work, more than what you do for others. Your pleasure and enjoyment on planet earth matters

If you’re feeling stuck with how to know what is pleasurable or how to mentally prioritize yourself, know that you’re not alone! So many feel this way and struggle to “turn off.” This is where therapy can come in clutch. Therapy is a place to shift how you think about yourself and your world, making your life more enjoyable. That’s a pretty honorable pursuit. 

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Stevie Spiegel