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Have you always had the sense that a lot of what you needed to work through isn’t cognitive, but is felt emotionally and in your body? Do you find that after doing a lot of work already, you are still carrying around symptoms of trauma, or physiological symptoms that seem to make no sense? If you are ready to try something new and deeply connect to you feeling states and your physiology, this is the place for you. 

In my office, healing happens - not because I have all of the answers but because you do, and you only need space and guidance to find them. We create a safe space to go inward, renegotiate trauma, and make lasting change. Being with others while they find this wisdom inside of them is truly a magical experience!

I use Somatic Experiencing as my main lens for all of the work we do in session. Somatic Experiencing is a body (soma) centered approach that helps trauma get “unstuck” by gently guiding people to tolerate difficult body sensations and emotions in order to address and treat the root cause of trauma. I love being with clients while they uncover all that their bodies have done to protect them and how much they can overcome by allowing survival responses to come through. If you feel like you are constantly in fight/flight/freeze, always in a survival state, this is for you. If you have a sense that some physical sensations (headaches, nausea, limb sensations, for example) are related to a trauma and have been ruled out medically, Somatic Experiencing could be for you. Read more about SE here.

In some cases, I supplement my SE practice with Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (or EMDR), which is a type of treatment that helps people heal from their traumatic experiences using eye movement or bilateral stimulation. EMDR helps the person understand how their past has influenced how they think about themselves, and to reshape that into something that serves them instead of hurts them. 

Finally, as a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I use these principles to help my clients challenge their relationship with their cultural misconceptions about their body and food. It’s pretty dang cool. 

Are you ready for something different? Ready to get in there and heal? Let’s do this.

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*Each counselor independently manages and maintains their own counseling practice.